Thursday, July 3, 2008

Not Your Typical Recipe

Seems everyone I know is doing everything possible to stretch their dollars.
Blog Land is all a-buzz with this Laundry soap recipe!!! From the links I have traveled, this laundry soap recipe has gotten RAVE reviews!!! Plus the ingredients are readily available at local stores. So I decided I too must try it. My friend Terri at PrimCreek shared this discovery and so forth it continues!!
If you try it too, Please let me know!!

Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe

16 cups water
1 bar of soap (your choice but many sources suggest Ivory, Fels-Naptha, Sunlight Bar, Castile or Zote)
1 cup of baking soda or washing soda
1 1/2 cups borax

Before beginning, finely grate your bar of soap.
Boil the 16 cups of water in a large pot. While boiling, add your grated soap and whisk continuously until it completely dissolves. Remove from heat.Next add borax and baking soda. Whisk it up really well. Continue to whisk throughout the day as it cools. It may begin to gel over the next 48 hours, but you don't need to wait to use it.You may store in old commercial detergent containers or any other covered container as well.Use ½ cup soap per load.

You can also add 2 Tablespoons vinegar to the rinse cycle instead of fabric softener.

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