Monday, June 18, 2012
A detour through the shoe dept.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Butt-Ugly Fabric Stash?? A New Challenge..
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
What I've been up to..

Monday, May 21, 2012
A Few Threads Loose is having a Give-Away
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Pyjama Party Finish
Monday, April 9, 2012
Another Sew-Along!!

Yes, I have stumbled-upon another sew-along I couldn't pass up! :)
Pyjamas are on my immediate list, so it was perfect timing. This sew-along is hosted by "Did You Make That"?
Of course, mine will be made from a vintage pattern.
This is the pattern I just ordered, and will begin just as soon as it gets into my hot little hands. :D

Hop over to "Did you make that" if you're interested...As they say, The more the merrier!! :)
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Oooh La-La..a quick update

I just wanted to show you-all real quick how I plan to embroider the bra..First, I traced a chosen design onto tissue paper, which I found at Maureen's Vintage Acquisitions blog. I loved how the design was already "Cup-shaped". I used thread tacks to keep it in place. (the photo shows my wisteria design is a little wonky, so I'll be repositioning it.)
I'll then be embroidering right over the tissue paper. when done, gently tear your paper away. If you decide to do something like this on a similar or other projects, be sure to keep a pair of tweezers handy. :) That's all for now! till next time.
Friday, April 6, 2012
A New Project...The Oooh La-La Sew-Along

Hosted By A Few Loose Threads.
Here's a pic of The Patterns we'll be using:

I love this BLOG I have been wanting to join-in on the fun of this sew-along for awhile now, I have enjoyed watching Anna's progress, and the progress of other participants, and I finally had a day-off and got my chance! I'm beginning with the Vintage French Bra Pattern, but you can start where you like..Anna has posted great photos to help you follow along..
I started with a ivory, lightweight satin..too flimsy in my estimation, so I added interfacing to all the outside pieces..I may add interfacing to the both back-band pieces, I just hadn't decided as I'm not that far-along yet. I did try out the instructions she posted on adding a lace over-lay..Sooo Easy!! Here is where I left-off for now..I'm going to try a delicate wisteria hand-embroidery design over the lace, so it will be a while longer before I'm done. This pattern is really alot easier and fun than I expected. If you would like to try it, Anna has the links to her etsy, and Artfire on her blog..Do give this a try!! Only 3 Easy Pieces!! I can see so many variations using this pattern.

Sunday, March 25, 2012
The "Peggy" -esque Dress: Mad Men Sew-Along..The Finish!!
I've been working on my dress for the sew-along hosted by Andrea, at
No Pattern Required. I won't bore you with all the details, but let's just
say I'm waaay too A.D.D, for my own good, and it's been quite the adventure! Beginning with salvaging my fabric which nearly frayed to shreds, to picking apart because I decided I wanted lining(I don't like inside to setting my sleeves first, inside-out, THEN to "correct" the situation..I set them in Up-side down!!! argh!!!..
I'd rather NOT be running around Like E-T with his arms up in the air..haa.ha..
Needless to say, my seam ripper got quite a workout! :D Sooo without further ado here's my dress which I have labored upon the last few weeks..I still think it rather plain, so I may be adding contrast top-stitching in the same blue as the buttons. We shall see. :)

Monday, February 6, 2012
Kitsch Finds on Sunday

I thought I'd start a new ritual.."Kitsch Finds on Sunday" Sunday's are the only day
I can slip-away from my busy family and work. A couple of weeks ago I popped into my usual haunts and spotted these adorable Lefton Blue Bird Collectibles.."swwooon" I couldn't get them out of my head, So I went back and scooped up these two little peeps for a song..I'll definitely be back for the remaining little peeps later! SO Adorable!! I'm not disclosing where they are just so noone will scoop them up before I do!..Ha! :D
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Mad Men Sew-Along..Fabric choices have been made

I first posted about the Mad Men sew-along HERE
I am sooo excited!! I just made my final fabric purchases, and cant wait to get my hands on it. I ordered the turquoise linen off Ebay, and a complimentary fabric for the front pleat came from Etsy. I went for "FUN", rather than "authentic"..It probably wont match perfectly, but I don't Care! Remember, it will be for just a "Kick" of color on the inside pleat.:) This printed linen-cotton blend is just too fabulous. It's from Melody Miller's line Ruby Star Rising in Cameo..OH my GOSH!! A perfect accent to a Mad Men Themed dress!!! I never imagined I'd find a whole series of perfectly prim 60's secretaries on fabric!!

and what's a secretary without her typewriter?? I'm planning to make a typewriter themed handbag just for fun to complete the ensemble. I'll unveil the details on my plans for that at a later date. Till next time!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
January "New Embroidery Using Vintage Patterns" challenge

January "New Embroidery Using Vintage Patterns" challenge, a photo by Kitsch N Sink Studio on Flickr.
I'm starting the year off right with a finish!! Woot!! I first posted about this challenge Here.
and HERE I made it to wear while sewing..There's a handy little scissor pocket, PLUS.. who besides me is always hunting tape measures for "eye-balling" measurements?? now there it is!! sewn right to the side so that it's always ready in my lap.and a tiny china-man pincushion at the waist, so I'll never lose my hand-embroidery needle again.I'm planning to add more scrappy bits..but the wkend(play-time) is nearly over, and "it's like the sun going down on me" to para-phrase Elton :D
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Mad Men Sew-Along

Have you heard?? Mad Men begins a new season on March 25!! To celebrate, One of the gals over at No Pattern Required is hosting a Mad-Men sew-along...the pattern selected for the sew-along was inspired by the Character Peggy Olsen.

in Linen, we have this brown stuff..which i'm not wild about since I wear a BROWN Boy Scout uniform to work EVERY but with a turquoise pleat perhaps not so bad??..or maybe just go with straight-up plain turquoise??

Or maybe this plum suiting with a stripe pleat??

If YOU have a opinion, PLEASE chime-in.
Orrrr...should I stop trying for "authentic" and just have FUN? this linen with the transistor radio print sure is cute!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I Survived Inventory!!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Resolution #2
Wasting time IS for the birds!
This is another design that will be added to my scrappy 2012 Resolution Apron. Some may wonder what all this stitching is about??..I'm a whimsical, sometimes creepy, figural, paper mache, sometimes cloth- (but always vintage-inspired), artiste' !!
(ar-teest) lol..well, Frankly, Its [stitching] something I can do from my couch!..honestly, since beginning a new life with a full-time job, I hadn't the energy nor the inclination for anything ambitious. It had always been my intention to get my wheels back-in-motion, and get back to my art figures, but I'm not much of a willing night-owl, so it's just not to be..not yet..Still..a creative person MUST create! So for now, I'll be stitching and hopefully something lovely will come from it. The only constant around change.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Puttering on Saturday..the beginning of a collage apron
Here's a picture of what I've managed to do today..
Destroy a pair of old jeans!!..:))
This is just the foundation. I'll be mixing and matching, (or not matching)scrap fabrics,appliques and all kinds of do-dads,and trims for a new scrappy apron..
the top portion of the apron, used to be the legs, I'm rearranging the front and back
The waistband was cut away for ..well. the waistband! is after-all already
my size, just turned around to button-up in the back. Lazy or ingenious??? you decide..LOL...
It is a pretty fun way to spend a Saturday. Will keep ya'll posted..till next time,
happy Saturday!
Kristine :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Retro Phone Purse..A real conversation

Isn't this cool??..I don't know how I stumbled upon it..I was actually looking for something else on google when it caught my eye..It's by "Chica and Jo"
Go here for the tutorial and download
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Program interruption because of inventory..
Monday, January 2, 2012
New Year's Resolution #1
The flickr group "New Embroidery with Vintage Patterns" has a couple of stitch-alongs going on right now. One is to illustrate your New Year's Resolutions using vintage embroidery designs..What a FAB idea!!
Here is my first.. To stay positive and make Lemonade from Life's Lemons..:)...From this day forward, I'll be doing my best to remember to keep on the sunny side of life. :)