The last couple weeks have taken me way off-schedule from my personal sewing goals.
Firstly, My Daughter Graduated with Honors!! Woot! and my son, a Freshman, was awarded Cadet of the Year in his ROTC program and was also awarded the pleasure of marching- around Fort Benning for a week of ROTC camp...Whatever floats your boat, Son! :D
I also had to make preparations to get him ready for his First year of being a paid staff Member at the Boy Scout Camp.
I had forgotten what a manic rush school year's-end brings. The expense! Oh my!.. and the whole week of all those awards programs for every school activity!!! and the crazy, busy build-up to the High School commencements. ..Oh and crazy me, without having fore-sight, I agreed to a sewing order for my sister to make a dress for a Toga Party she's hosting, I worked like crazy sewing "down to the wire"..I had to next-day mail it to her in New Jersey..While I'm very proud of my Kiddos' accomplishments...
Phew, Stick a fork in me, I'm done!!
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