Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another Tassel Doll..Pumpkin Halloween Ball Gal

This is my latest ornament for my Halloween tree..
I didn't have much time, as today is my only day off this
week, so I didn't go into as much detail as the tassel doll we
Learned in the Hive Class from Patrick of Cre8tor's Touch.
The tassel was purchased at my local antique shop for
only a dollar, and it just said pumpkin gal to me!
So, I just sculpted a simple head and shoulder plate,
and wrapped a single chenille stem around the neck post
to extend for both arms..then the head and arms were glued
right into the center hole of the tassel. Then I added legs to the underside bell of the tassel... added leafy bits for
hands, more trims and cut-outs for embellishments. and pine petals for her shoes.
I think she turned out right cute! ;-)..and I thank Patrick of Creator's Touch again for the original idea..I've been having lots of fun with these.

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