I belong to a primitive doll making group called Primraggchatters, and we recently made dolls for a Book Character Swap..My Friend Kathie of Little Cotton
Aprons and I decided on the additional challenge of doing characters from books written near our hometowns. The book I selected for my characters is Uncle Remus' Legends of the Old Plantation, written right here close by to where I live in Georgia. Pictured here is Uncle Remus with Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby. I absolutely love how this vignette turned out!!..I hope Kathie likes it to!

And here is the Gorgeous Annabelle Lee, that Kathie made for me!!! I'm using her pic because I love her background better!.lol.;-D...Kathie is originally from Baltimore, Maryland, so that is why she chose a Character from one of Edgar Allen Poe's writings. Incidentally, he is one of my favorites!!
Thank You Kathie!!!...This was so much fun and I hope we can challenge one another again real soon!!xoxo