I first posted about the Mad Men sew-along HERE
I am sooo excited!! I just made my final fabric purchases, and cant wait to get my hands on it. I ordered the turquoise linen off Ebay, and a complimentary fabric for the front pleat came from Etsy. I went for "FUN", rather than "authentic"..It probably wont match perfectly, but I don't Care! Remember, it will be for just a "Kick" of color on the inside pleat.:) This printed linen-cotton blend is just too fabulous. It's from Melody Miller's line Ruby Star Rising in Cameo..OH my GOSH!! A perfect accent to a Mad Men Themed dress!!! I never imagined I'd find a whole series of perfectly prim 60's secretaries on fabric!!

and what's a secretary without her typewriter?? I'm planning to make a typewriter themed handbag just for fun to complete the ensemble. I'll unveil the details on my plans for that at a later date. Till next time!!