Thank you so much Annette of Huckleberry Arts for nominating me for this award!
There are so many truly talented artists and I am truly humbled and I thank you.
As I pass this award on, I think on how extremely giving Folk and Primitive Artisans are for offering us such wonderful designs,(some for free even) not only for our own love of the art, but that we may also provide for our own families. These ladies I nominate here
contribute so much through their genuine talent and Extreme generosity to the primitive artisan community...
My Heart-felt thanks to you all!!!
1.Deb Klopp of Nanny Norton Prims
2.Debbie of Simple Country Blessings
3. Donna of Moonchilds Primitives
4.Susan of Prim and Proper Folks
5.Becky of Tennessee Ridge Primitives