I've been working on my dress for the sew-along hosted by Andrea, at
No Pattern Required. I won't bore you with all the details, but let's just
say I'm waaay too A.D.D, for my own good, and it's been quite the adventure! Beginning with salvaging my fabric which nearly frayed to shreds, to picking apart because I decided I wanted lining(I don't like inside seams..lol) to setting my sleeves first, inside-out, THEN to "correct" the situation..I set them in Up-side down!!! argh!!!..
I'd rather NOT be running around Like E-T with his arms up in the air..haa.ha..
Needless to say, my seam ripper got quite a workout! :D Sooo without further ado here's my dress which I have labored upon the last few weeks..I still think it rather plain, so I may be adding contrast top-stitching in the same blue as the buttons. We shall see. :)