I've been doing a bit of Historical garment sewing for my father!
My latest projects are a pair of "Narrow Fall Pants" using a pattern from
Rocking Horse Farm...and a "Voyager's shirt" from Eagle's View Publishing..
I've never had an occasion to sew Narrow Fall Men's breeches before, So I've been
studying pictures of museum pieces to be able to visualize the very interesting and clever construction which was common from about the time of the French Revolution thru the 1890's in varying degrees.

Here's an example from Kent State University Museum of the full length trouser, which is the version I'm making.

Zippers were not invented before the mid 1890's, so these pants are constructed using a a front flap with a button closure across the waistband. They do seem to be practical,comfortable, and convenient. However, I'll let my dad be the judge of that! LOL!!...
I'm nearly done with the muslin mock-up, and will post pics very soon!
And, I bet my Dad would be most willing to give a pose in his New Historical attire!;-)HERE, Designer Marc Jacobs resurrected this construction idea for a pair of FAB sailor inspired trousers!...MORE LATER!!! ;-)

Oh Yes!!...You may be interested in the event for which these special garments are
being made. My Father is an active member of the
Society for Georgia Archaeology ..here are the specifics!!...
Fort Daniel Frontier Fair and Public Archaeology Day
2505 Braselton Highway 124, Hog Mountain/Hamilton Mills undefined
Look for directions and parking instructions at www.thegars.org at least one week before the event. Rain date is May 9, 2009.
Contact: Mark Eastland, 770-554-9656, or Jim D’Angelo, 770-513-1576
Fees/Limits: Donations accepted
Description: The day will begin with an 1814 “Star Spangled Banner” flag raising at 10:15 am. There will be excavation opportunities for adults and children as part of the effort to trace the walls of a late 18th, early 19th century frontier fort. Artifacts and interpretive material from two years of excavations will be on display. Other activities are being planned, including construction of a scaled replica of the fort’s stockade wall and blockhouse in which the public is welcomed to participate.