Grand Dame Penniwig has awarded her readers with this award, and more!!..
And it is a True Award, one without rules or further obligations.
Thank You Miz Penniwig!!!!!...So if you see this post..take it and share it, or just simply ignore it!!
Now I am compelled without obligation, only a giving spirit, to spread a little appreciation to others who maybe could use a Pick me up today!;-)
Hi, I love that award, I am a LOTR fanatic!
You ae such a sweetie!! Thank you
for mine!!!!
Evening greetings to ye! Just making my daily blog rounds! Glad to see that you recognize that your lovely blog and adorable work truly name thee an elf-friend!!!
haha! this may be a little late but since you are a "new" friend, I just saw this award and love it so I'm more than happy to accept it from you!
Great poost thankyou
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